Dress to Impress. By: Hynnja Dietrich

So beautiful in that white dress, it just accentuates every aspect of her body, as her mother I was absolutely starstruck. I didn’t think this day would ever come. The room was filled with tears and happiness. Yes, her childhood ended, but she is about to start a new life for the better. Flowers decorate the chapel with bright, glowing colors to match her illuminating personality. Each and every person walking up to her to kiss her on the forehead. I thought that when I would see her in white would be on her wedding day, not in a casket.

6 thoughts on “Dress to Impress. By: Hynnja Dietrich

  1. Oh my!! 😢 What a surprise and sad ending– not at all what I was expecting … but unfortunately this tragedy happens all too often in real life … excellent job of putting so much feeling into such few words!!


    1. Wow,your words are so heartfelt. I was most definitely taken aback by the ending,however,sad to say it’s a very familiar scene in today’s world,for way too many. Thank you for you sharing these words on a very sad subject.


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